Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The letter "P". How much simpler can it be? P is for passion, people, pleasure, purpose, peanut butter, pebbles, paper.....! Things that shift the soul from the mundane to the exhilarating: tastes that speak of individuality and independence. Ode to the poppy and the petunia! Hail to Pachelbel and parables! Praise for the letter "P".

Response to this week's prompt from ABC Wednesdays.


  1. Yummy and delictable. My son's favorite and sometimes the husband sneak out for a spoon of peanut butter.

  2. What could be better? Perfect...

  3. Yummm peanut butter...the perfect food.

  4. Actually I don't like peanut butter, and the daughter's allergic.

    But the rest of it is all good.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. Plenty of P's there!

    And Peanut Butter & Pickle sandwiches ahve always been a favorite of mine.

    On behalf of the ABC Wednesday Team, Thanks for participating this week. Hope you can join us again next week.

