Saturday, January 29, 2011


I peer into the depths of the snow covered forest and my heart leaps for joy at the peaceful scene that confronts me. Although I have devoured this scene many times before, the perspective afforded by the newly fallen snow amplifies each detail, as each branch and nook uncovers definition otherwise overlooked. Shadows beckon as the sun ignites the world around, transforming muted tones into objects with brilliant contrast. My vision is enraptured as I linger in this peaceful environ and breathe the crisp air that surrounds me. Finding purpose in the moment, my thoughts fall from my pen upon the white page, seeking to capture a fraction of the beauty before me. But words fail to bequeath meaning to the pureness and sanctity of this tranquil scene.

© 2011 by Maureen Newman. All rights reserved.

Written in response to a prompt from Magpie Tales.


  1. I really like the idea that you connected the photo to the process of writing. I am going to steal that idea and use it some time. Thanks.

  2. You said it, Maureen!!! The combination of the pure whiteness of newly fallen snow and that burst of sunlight is comparable to nothing else!
    Loved how you wrote it here... I looked out my window and felt it all over again!!
    A beautiful and refreshing take on the magpie, which I thoroughly enjoyed!

  3. Great prose piece. The test to turn what we see and feel into the written word, always challenging.
